Get Started with Automatic Print Supplies Ordering.
This guide will help you onboard a new account and set up automatic supplies ordering. Follow the steps below to ensure that supply orders are delivered to the correct location.
If you don’t have access to Prisume, please contact your supplier to register as a user. Then, proceed with the steps outlined below.
We recommend to follow the procedure in the recommended order.
Onboarding process of a New Account (Click link to go to section)
After Onboarding
1. Creation of New Customer Account
Log in to Prisume so that you see the menu reflected as in the screenshot below. If you operate with different groups of customers, you must choose (click on) a group before you click on "New customer". Later, you can easily move the customer around by clicking on "Associate".

Click on "New customer" and fill in all fields incl. addresses, country etc.

1A. Give the End-customer Access
If the customer wants to get access to data, this can easily be done by activating the "end customer module which then opens a menu on the left side called "Team". If a customer (end user) is already created, and you want to give the end customer access, please use the following steps:
Step 1: Navigate to the customer account in the left menu and then click the 3 vertical dots to enter the configuration.

Step 2: Click "Team" in the panel in the left side.

If you do not see the menu "Team" then go to "Settings" - "Edit information" and enable the "End customer access" and click save, then return to step 2.

Step 3: Click "New" in the upper right corner and enter the needed information. Choose "Full" in the "Can view" settings and click save. Include an optional text if needed. Links are supported.

The customer has now received an invitation by mail. If he havent received it, ask to check the spam folder. Its sent from app@3manager.com.
2. Configuration of The Data Collector
Before installing the data collector, it is recommended that you enter the relevant IP-ranges where the printers are installed.
The customer's IT administrator will receive the necessary information to be entered under settings - Data collector. (A data collector is automatically generated when a customer is created. Additional collectors can easily be installed if necessary and if the customer has several separate networks).
We recommend using the fields below as you can easily copy IP-ranges from Excel.

3. Download the Data Collector
Depending on whether you, or your customer, make the installation you can choose between several options.
1. Download directly from the application by clicking "download" in the upper right corner

2. Send an installation email to a contact person who can then install the data collector.

3. Visit https://www.3manager.com/download and download the version you want directly. Remember to copy the location ID from your Prisume account online or via email.
4. Installation of The Data Collector
The customer should now have received an installation guide and an email for access to an online portal where you can download and install the data collector. This will scan your network within the specified IP-ranges and begin monitoring the printers so that Prisume detect the toner levels and the alarms.
After downloading the collector, double-click on the installation file and follow the guide. When the installation is complete, you will be asked for an ID which is included in the email you received, as well as online from where it can be copied.
5. Create Departments and Several Delivery Addresses
To ensure that toners and other accessories are being sent to the right location, it is important that Prisume “knows” all addresses and possible departments. Under "Settings" there is a menu called "Account". Check that the address, postal code, city, and country are filled in correctly.
In case of departments with different delivery addresses, repeat by clicking "Settings" and select "Departments" and then click "New Department".

When adding multiple departments, addresses, postal code, city, country must be filled in in the same way as above. Tick the box labeled "Supplies delivery address" next to the address to which the supplies should be delivered.

TIP: If you have many departments, you can click "Download" to receive an Excel file to be filled in (or copy/paste from another existing sheet) and then import it back into Prisume.

6. Assign Printers to Departments
Now it's time to couple the printers with their respective departments. This is easily done by clicking “Dashboard" and then "Devices". Scroll down to the list of printers. It is recommended that you select the "Default" view.

Mark the units that belong to the department you want to couple and select the department from the "Associate department" drop-down menu. Printer and supplies will be coupled which will show on the list. NOTE! Supplies for printers without attachment to a department, will be sent to the address specified under "Settings -> Account".

If you have divided your departments with unique IP-ranges these can be specified and the printers will automatically be coupled with the department according to their IP-address. If a printer is manually assigned to another department, it will remain there.

7. How to add devices to a bid
To ensure the right pricing for the supplies article its important to map the devices to the right bid. This is done on account level and is an important part of the onboarding process.
Go to the account of interest and click the 3 vertical dots to enter the menus.
Go to "Settings - Bids"and click on "New" or click the name of an existing bid to enter the configuration.

Enter the BID id (Mandatory - Contact Despec if you do not have a BID id.)
Add optional description
Add Expiration date
Click "Save"

Next step is adding devices to the bid.
Click "Add Printer" and use the filter to search or click from the list
Click "Add"
Click "Close" when devices have been mapped

You have now added devices to a bid. To remove devices go to the bid settings, click the name of the bid you want to change.
Then click the number of devices mapped or the "click to view" and a list will expand. Click the little trashcan icon to remove devices.

8. Last step – Mark printers as “Managed”
As a final step, you need to mark the devices as "Managed" for being added to your supplier's automatic supplies fulfillment service.
This is done almost in the same procedure as in point 3, but here you simply select the "Manage"-button and then proceed as in step 3.
Go to "Dashboard -> Settings" and scroll down to the list of printers. Select "Default view", if not already visible. Either mark “all printers” (with one click) or select the printers you want to make “active”. Then press the "Manage"-button.

That's it! The configuration is now completed, and you are ready for automatic supplies fulfillment.
After Onboarding
If printers are offline / retired in Prisume
If a device is marked as either offline or retired in Prisume, but its online at the customer site, it can be caused by several reasons. Please follow the trouble-shooting guide below before contacting support:
Is the data-collector running?
Click the "account - Settings - Data collectors" and check if it says "Just now" in last report. If its not running, then often all devices are offline. Restart or re-install the data-collector if needed.
Is the IP address of the printer included in the discovery IP-ranges?
Ensure the IP address is included in the IP-discovery settings, which reflect the printer's latest known address. If the IP address is outside the current range, update the settings to include the new range for the next discovery cycle. If the IP address is correct but issues persist, verify with the customer if the IP address has been changed at their site.
When new devices are discovered after onboarding
To make sure that new devices discovered at the customer site configured correctly we recommend setting up an alert informing that a new devices has been discovered. This will send an e-mail with a link to the new device. The following process should be done:
Is the device mapped to the right department (if used)
Is the part numbers ok?
Should the device be mapped to a BID to ensure correct pricing?
Mark the device as managed if it should order supplies
Deliver label
The customer’s name on the shipping label will appear with the name you have given the customer in Prisume.
If the printer is associated with a department, the department name will appear on the same line as the customer name. For example, if the printer is located in the “Sales Department” at the company “Customer ABC,” the shipping label will show the following: “Customer ABC - Sales Department.”
If data is filled in for tags, location, building, and floor at the device level, these will appear in the “Requisition” field on the shipping label.
For customers with more complex delivery arrangements, it might be a good idea to fill in these fields.
How to Check When Supplies Have Been Ordered
When a supplies order is placed, the order data (i.e., the date it was sent to Despec) is recorded in Prisume. A track and trace link will be available later. This means that Prisume informs you when the order has been sent to Despec. For detailed shipment information, you will need to contact Prisume.
For dealers, we recommend using the Supplies Dashboard and applying filters, such as the device’s IP address, to search for the device. This will provide an overview of all orders, replacements, and the current supplies status.

Enter the device’s IP address (or other printer information) into the Supplies Dashboard to locate the device. Then, click the “Orders” tab to view orders from the last 90 days. You can adjust the time period in the filter menu at the top right.
In the "Order" tab you will find the order date (when sent to Despec) and in the "Tracking" you will have a link to the actual status of the supplies delivery.

Another way to check the last order date is by navigating to the specific device and clicking on the IP address to view the device journal. The last order date will be shown in the supplies indicators section. If you’ve provided limited access to Prisume for the end-customer, this view is recommended for them. For partners, we recommend using the Supplies Dashboard.
The Track information will be available on the supplies indicators.